Activities Offered by Assisted Living Facilities in the Boca Raton Area

One of the things that draw many seniors to independent living facilities in the Boca Raton area is the plethora of activities that are offered. While activity options will vary from facility to facility, there is always something interesting going on. Plus, you can choose your level of participation. Maybe you want to get involved in a variety of activities and clubs, or perhaps you’d be happier attending just one or two events a month. How much and how often you participate is completely up to you, but these activities are a great way to stay active and meet new friends in your later years.

Take a look at some of the activities commonly found at independent living facilities:

  • Cultural excursions. It might be a local art gallery, to a dance concert, or out for a night at the symphony. Cultural excursions are a great way to broaden your appreciation for the arts, learn something new, and meet other seniors with similar interests.
  • Classes and workshops. Want to learn how to use Facebook? Teach others to crochet? Or sharpen your writing skills? Classes and workshops are popular events at independent living facilities, and they are often free to residents. Learning new skills or teaching others is a wonderful way to keep the mind sharp as you age.
  • Fitness classes. Want to keep the weight off or get some more doctor-recommended cardio exercise? Your assisted living facility probably offers a class to meet your needs. These classes are terrific because they are tailored to the needs of seniors and give you a chance to workout in a fun, safe environment.
  • Intergenerational programs. More and more assisted living facilities are seeing the benefits of bringing children into the facility, either by providing activities led by seniors for children or by sponsoring Scout troops or other clubs. This is especially great for seniors who may not have a lot of family nearby.
  • Clubs. Join the book club to discuss the latest bestsellers, the gardening club to keep the grounds looking their best, or a dinner club to show off your cooking skills. There are plenty of privately led clubs at independent living facilities, and if you can’t find one that you like you can always start one yourself!

While many places still offer the classic Bingo night, it’s likely to be on the schedule with Karaoke and Swing Dancing nights as well. Independent living facilities are vibrant, active places where residents can plug into a group that suits their needs and gives them plenty to do. If you think moving into an independent living facility is the end of your fun and independence, just visit one of these facilities and see how happy, active, and engaged the local residents are. You might change your mind about these facilities and decide they are right for you!

If you would like to learn more about independent living facilities in the Boca Raton area, give us a call at 800-652-0468. We can match you with facilities in your area that you might enjoy. We even provide placement assistance for free!

Why an Independent Senior Living Facility Can be Better Than Home

Many seniors feel that aging in place is the best option for them. This allows them to stay in their home, in a place that is comfortable and familiar to them. For some seniors, this may actually be the best option, but it might not be right for everyone. Another option that many seniors in Florida are choosing is moving to an independent senior living facility. These facilities offer fully-equipped private apartments where seniors are free to come and go as they choose, keeping the same lifestyle that they enjoyed at home. So what makes this option a better one than aging in place at home?

  • It’s social. One of the biggest challenges that many seniors face is loneliness. Their family members are busy with activities of their own, their friends may have passed away or they may be unable to visit as often, and they may find it difficult to meet new friends. This issue is largely eliminated at an independent senior living facility. These facilities often arrange social outings and events that encourage friendships, and your loved one will be surrounded by people their age who are able to get out and enjoy activities with them.
  • Help is there when they need it. Seniors who move into an independent living facility are largely unaffected by medical issues. However, as they get older this may change. Many of these facilities offer services on an as needed basis, giving your loved one the care that they need when they need it. They may have assisted living facilities on site, as well, which can make the transition to a managed-care environment easier in the future.
  • Many services are included. One of the nicest benefits of independent living communities are the benefits that are included. Services will vary from facility to facility, so you’ll need to do your research. However, many facilities offer services such as meal plans, transportation to shopping or doctor’s appointments, activity nights, outings, and more. This is a great way to take some of the burden off of your loved one (and yourself) while they remain independent.

There are hundreds of senior independent living communities in Florida and each one is a little bit different. When you begin researching these facilities, you’ll want to gather information such as how much the monthly cost will be (including all fees), what services are included, and the amenities available on-site. You’ll also want to tour the apartments to make sure they are suitable to your loved one.

Finding the right senior living option for yourself or a loved one is a big job. There are so many facilities to choose from and you’ll want to find one that has a great reputation and offers the best options. Senior Living Placement knows which facilities offer the best options! Give us a call today at 800-652-0468 and speak with one of our placement experts. Our service is free to you and can help make the transition much easier for everyone involved. We’ll show you some of the best independent living facilities available with the amenities that you want within your budget!

More Reasons Your Loved One Will Love Living In Assisted Living

In our last blog, we talked about some of the reasons seniors love living in an assisted living facility. They are able to be independant and still be looked after in a non-intrusive way. As their loved ones, there is no reason that we should feel guilty. When placed in the right senior living community, they could be having the best time of their lives because they are no longer having to worry about what to eat or who will drive them places. In this blog, we want to discuss more reasons why seniors love living in retirement homes.


As we get older, our vision tends to worsen. Night driving becomes especially dangerous because of this. The glare coming off the lights can cause us to not see things while we are driving. When seniors are at a senior care facility, they are able to enlist the driving services of that facility. They can be driven to doctors appointments and to the grocery store. They do not have to feel like a burden to their loved ones.


Like we stated in the previous blog, senior living communities allow seniors to enjoy activities and with that, new friendships form. They can meet and make lasting friendships living in a community of like-minded people. When you have constant contact with others, you are bound to become friends with them.

Feeling safe

Sure, living at home offers locked doors and a phone to call 911, but when they live in an assisted living facility, they have emergency response systems and security in place that allows its residents to get the peace of mind that they wouldn’t get if they stayed in their own home.

We hope that by hearing about some of the great benefits to living in a senior care center, you will stop feeling guilty and start to see this as a great opportunity. Call Senior Living Placement today to see what facility would be good for your loved one.

Finding The Perfect Senior Living Facility

Making the choice for a loved one to move into an assisted living facility is a difficult decision. There are a lot of things to consider. When it comes to which places are good enough for your family member, you never can get a clear answer until it is too late. With the help of Senior Living Placement, we can help you find the perfect place for your loved one. How do we do this?

Care Options

Senior Living Placement works with many facilities all across the state of Florida and we have information on all of them. Whether you are looking for assisted living, home care or independent living, we can find the perfect place for your family member.


We take the information that you provide us with like, financial constraints, location and personal preference and find places that match that criteria. We know that the places that we choose are great places to work with and you will find the right place.


After we have matched you with a facility, you will have the option of taking an in depth tour with them. We will even come out and take the tour with you. We will see what the facility has to offer and what is included in the packages you are paying for. If you decide that that particular place is not a good fit for your loved one, we can move on to the next facility.

Before you spend too much time researching facility after facility, contact us at Senior Living Placement and let us do the heavy lifting.